Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What The Fk Do I Eat

Balanced Breakfast
Protein lean
High Octane Fruit

Eat lean strong easy to digest proteins
Energizing Oils that smooth the way
Natural clean fruit alive and full of enzymes

lots of seeds
dried fruit
as raw as possible

sometimes a smoothy with an easy digest protein
loaded with antioxidants Cacao/ greens cell food
seed oil

Time to cook
Egg Veggie Surprise
Chopped Kale
handful of spinach
Tomatoes Chopped
Be creative with what u got
1-3 cloves fine slice garlic

must cook with coconut oil
low to medium heat table spoon of coconut oil
Start with a sprinkle of garlic and a third of ur dark leafy greens
top lightly with wicked minerals (salts)
should look like lots of greens, cover and mild steam
looking thick and heavy add a bunch more but not all greens maybe a few tomatoes
cook to good texture add a bit more oil
4 eggs if ur working hard 6 if ur 200+ working crazy 3-2  laddies
eat big u got time to digest this one nicely
keep yolk till cytoplasm has properly formed white covered
then break the yolk stir smoothly
lower heat when near cooked taste/spice
Add the freshies/bit of garlic if u dare
blend well turn heat off simmer
thanks for great food and people that enjoy feeling food

if bowels are irregular, restore balance first
then routine eats with foods that agree with your digestive system

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